Offering New York City a new gold standard.

Creating Precise Results

Many of the most common signs of facial aging specifically impact us in the lower and mid-face regions, making the mini facelift an ideal choice for patients who feel as though they have just started noticing mild to moderate indications that the aging process has begun. The mini facelift is ideal for younger patients or for those who have begun to experience the early parts of the facial aging process. Most frequently, the mini facelift is utilized to address issues like mild sagging or drooping, volume loss, and the early appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the middle and lower facial regions. You’ll enjoy naturalistic results that noticeably improve your sense of facial harmony, with a more reserved outcome that might be created with a full facelift or deep plane facelift. If you’d like to learn more about how Dr. Mark G. Albert can help you restore your youthful glow with a mini facelift in NYC, a member of our team is standing by and will be happy to help you set up your initial consultation. Reach out to us at our NYC office and start your exciting cosmetic journey today.

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Is the Mini Facelift Right for Me?

We take a highly patient-centric approach to our work, as we understand that no two patients are alike. When you visit us, you bring with you a unique set of physical characteristics and a highly individualized collection of cosmetic goals. During your initial consultation in New York City, Dr. Albert will work closely with you to learn about what you hope to accomplish with our practice and develop a bespoke treatment plan that considers your lifestyle and goals in equal measure.

We offer here at Albert Plastic Surgery a number of procedures that can help you enhance your facial appearance, ranging from the deep plane facelift in NYC to a number of exciting, minimally invasive choices that can create exciting results without subjecting you to an extensive downtime or recovery period. Dr. Albert will help you explore the options that are available to you and guide you to the treatment choice that’s right for you. We’ll be available to you at every step of your cosmetic journey so that you can enjoy total peace of mind.

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Learning About Your Procedure

The initial consultation also gives you a valuable opportunity to learn more about the procedure you’ll undergo in the near future. Dr. Albert will describe his technique to you in detail, so you will know what to expect in terms of things like incision placement and post-surgical scarring.

We’ll provide you with a detailed recovery timeline and thorough aftercare instructions that will help us make sure your recovery experience is as comfortable and speedy as possible. We’ll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that you’re healing nicely.

The consultation gives you a chance to ask just about any question that you might have about your procedure, but it won’t be your only opportunity. We’ll be available to you throughout your journey with us, addressing your concerns as they arise.

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Mini Facelift vs Traditional in New York City

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, deciding between a mini facelift and a traditional facelift can be a significant choice. In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where the standards for beauty and youthfulness are high, understanding the differences between these procedures is crucial for making an informed decision tailored to your needs. 

  • A traditional facelift, also known as a full facelift, is a comprehensive surgical procedure designed to address moderate to severe signs of aging in the face and neck. It typically involves making incisions along the hairline, around the ears, and possibly under the chin to access and lift underlying tissues, tighten muscles, and remove excess skin.
  • On the other hand, a mini facelift offers a less invasive alternative for those seeking subtle improvements with shorter recovery times. Also referred to as a "weekend facelift" or "mini lift," this procedure targets specific areas of concern, such as the jawline and lower face, through smaller incisions, resulting in minimal scarring and downtime compared to a traditional facelift. 

In the dynamic landscape of New York City, where individuals seek to maintain a youthful appearance while managing busy lifestyles, understanding the nuances between these two procedures is essential. Factors such as the extent of aging concerns, desired outcomes, recovery time, and personal preferences play a significant role in determining which approach best suits each individual. Consulting board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Albert, who is experienced in both mini and traditional facelift techniques, is paramount to achieving natural-looking results that align with your aesthetic goals. With their expertise and guidance, you can confidently navigate the options available and embark on your journey to a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance in the vibrant city of New York.

See Our Mini Facelift Results

See a Mini Facelift While Being Awake Under Local Anesthesia

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smiling woman with curly hair and blue shirt holding her hand to her face

The Benefits of a Mini Facelift

The mini facelift offers patients an exciting alternative to the deep plane facelift. You’ll enjoy targeted facial rejuvenation that specifically addresses your cosmetic concerns, with a shorter procedural duration and a less significant recovery period.

You’re likely to be a great candidate for this procedure if you’re interested in:

  • Smaller incisions and less noticeable scarring
  • Reduced swelling and bruising after your surgery
  • A shorter overall recovery period
  • No need for a hospital stay
  • No need for drains or large bandages

Can Combining FaceTite and a Mini Facelift Be Even More Beneficial?

Combining a mini facelift with FaceTite in NYC can offer comprehensive facial rejuvenation with enhanced results, such as the following:

  • A mini facelift addresses sagging skin and tissue in the lower face and jawline through small incisions, lifting and tightening the underlying structures for a more youthful appearance.
  • FaceTite, a minimally invasive procedure, utilizes radiofrequency energy to precisely target and tighten the skin and underlying tissues. By applying this technology to areas treated during the mini facelift, such as the cheeks, jowls, and neck, FaceTite further enhances skin tightening and contouring.

This combination approach allows for more significant improvement in facial contours, skin laxity, and overall rejuvenation with less scarring and downtime compared to traditional facelift techniques.

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Hear from Our Patients

Dr. Albert is an absolutely exceptional plastic surgeon and physician. I had a 10-star experience with my recent procedure. He explains everything in detail, has excellent bedside manner, answers all questions (of which I had many!) fully and completely, and has tremendous technical skills. I am so unbelievably happy with my results and truly cannot thank him enough for doing such a wonderful job! I will continue to seek treatment from Dr. Albert for all of my cosmetic needs and will be sure to refer any of my family members or friends who are interested in cosmetic procedures to see him. I looked at many of his before and after photos during my consultation and the patient results he achieves after his facelift procedure are simply amazing. Not only is he tremendously skilled and talented, but he is a very kind, caring, genuine, and honest physician and I felt as if I was in the best possible hands the entire time I was in his care. I simply cannot say enough good things about Dr. Albert and wish I could give him many more than 5-stars! 5 out of 5 stars Overall rating

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Why Choose Dr. Mark G. Albert for Your Mini Facelift?

As per Healthline, it's recommended that a board-certified plastic surgeon performs a mini facelift for optimal results.

Dr. Mark G. Albert, a board-certified plastic surgeon with the American Society of Plastic Surgery, has been recognized as the top doctor by Castle Connolly since 2021.

Whether you're interested in a mini facelift, full facelift, or any other cosmetic procedure, Dr. Albert's expertise ensures superb results tailored to your needs.

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The Day of Your Mini Facelift in NYC

The incisions made as part of your mini facelift in NYC will be relatively minimal and placed so that they are easily hidden by your natural hairline and facial contours once your final results have become visible. They typically begin in your hairline and run to the edge of your ears, making them hard to notice by casual observers. 

The procedure generally takes between one to two hours to complete and will be performed while you are under general anesthesia, so you won’t feel anything. During the surgery, Dr. Albert will lift and reposition tissues while also removing any unwanted fat to create a smoother, more supple, youthful look.

Once the procedure is over, you’ll be able to return home. Most of our patients find that they can return to their normal routines after about two to three weeks. By week six or seven, you should notice that your swelling has significantly diminished and that your final results are beginning to take shape.

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Our Commitment to Excellence

Here at Albert Plastic Surgery, we set ourselves apart through a commitment to high-quality results created by the most advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology available. You’ll find yourself under the care of a highly attentive, extensively trained staff, and will enjoy the comfort of an AAAASF-accredited surgical facility located on-site.

We’ll ensure that you have everything that you need to enjoy a comfortable experience with us while we work hard to create your ideal results. Ready to learn more about how Albert Plastic Surgery can help you? Reach out to us at our NYC offices and speak with a helpful member of our team to set up your initial consultation today, and get started looking forward to your exciting outcome.

Can a Full Facelift or Deep Plane Facelift Be Done After a Mini Facelift?

Yes, a full facelift or deep plane facelift can be performed after a mini facelift in NYC, although it may depend on several factors, including the patient's anatomy, previous surgical history, and desired outcomes. Here are some key points to consider:

Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon

It's essential to consult Dr. Albert, who is experienced in facial rejuvenation procedures. During the consultation, he will assess your facial anatomy, discuss your goals, and determine the most suitable approach for achieving your desired results.


The timing of undergoing a full facelift or deep plane facelift after a mini facelift is crucial. It's generally recommended to wait at least six months to a year after a mini facelift to properly heal and stabilize the facial tissues before considering a more extensive procedure.

Extent of Correction

A mini facelift addresses mild to moderate signs of aging in the lower face and neck region. If you have more significant laxity or aging concerns in other areas of the face, such as the midface or upper face, a full facelift or deep plane facelift may be necessary to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation.

Surgical Plan

Dr. Albert will develop a customized surgical plan based on your individual needs and goals. If a full facelift or deep plane facelift is deemed appropriate after a mini facelift, his plan will consider any previous incisions, scar tissue, and anatomical changes from the initial procedure.

Risks and Considerations

It's important to be aware of the potential risks and considerations associated with undergoing multiple facial rejuvenation procedures. These may include prolonged recovery time, increased risk of complications, and the need for additional surgical revisions.

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